Daneshjou news agency has reacted strongly to Azade Namdari’s speech, which you will read in the following:
They were bothering her, with a motorbike, 2 or 3 young boys, one Chadori (Woman who wears Chador) young lady, he ran towards them as he saw it; he wanted to defend the honor of Shia, they cut his neck with a cutlass. He lost blood. He fainted. He wrote to his leader in the hospital: “They tell me, what it had to do with you? Why did you violate people’s privacy? Didn’t that girl have a father or brother? Why did you interfere? But dear sir! I did this to keep “enjoining and forbidding the evil” alive in this society. I bled for enjoining and forbidding the evil, to see the smile on yours and Imam Zaman’s face.”

Enjoining and forbidding the evil have been long forgotten in this country and they have been killing it with excuses such as personal privacy and correct yourselves first, and they know that this rule is the basis of any Shia society; they know its importance in Hadiths; they know that what consequences are followed by the death of these regulations… and of course Moharram and Ashura in which Imam Hossein declared enjoining and forbidding the evil, the reason for his uprising.
Yes Ms. Namdari! Your confusing the issue is precedent; from the very beginning of Islam. Since the time they used to say what do people’s lives have to do with you? Are you the God? The time when they used to say fix yourselves then correct people. The same time all the Imam’s answered all these ambiguities and narrated countless hadith and sayings in the importance of this act. The same time the prophet answered these ambiguities by: “God considers he who does not tend to forbid the evil, as enemy”. The same time he said: “Whenever my nation forgets enjoining and forbidding the evil, they shall get ready to go in a war with Allah…”
We have been ready to go to war with Allah for a long time now! Since we saw bad hijab and ignored with the very same excess you mentioned here, and prayed that God might guide her!
That one woman with bad hijab turned into two, three… and now it has come to this that I, as a religious man cannot react to the sins of boys and girls in the society with the fear that I might interfere in their privacy!
By the way, Ms. Privacy! The day that the huge man killed that young woman on Kaj sq. in Tehran and infront of our indifferent eyes, did you say do not violate people’s privacy?! As a matter of fact, it was private. It was their private lives. All the people who gathered around and watched and filmed the death of that young woman thought the same! It is none of our business! They know better!
You are a wise woman Ms. Namdari! You are laughing at the bout of clericals of this country much like everyone else who has buried enjoining and forbidding the evil with these excurses…